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Instant Analysts launched!

Hello there! Thank you for coming to check us out. Instant Analysts is a brand new place to help you with your digital marketing numerical needs. We want to be helpful, we want to make sure that we can save your precious time. We do this by making tools that do some of the time consuming tasks you’d normally do in your daily tasks.

How do we do it? We try to use maths and coding. These can be things you’ve never known about, or had some idea on what to do, but didn’t know how. Digital marketing is fun, but there’s loads of things that can be done with using maths and coding to automate them.

In fact, maths and coding is basically using data science and AI techniques. You’ve probably heard of AI, but thought it would be something that is beyond your reach. Artificial intelligence is the stuff of science fiction, isn’t it? What place does it have with marketing? And isn’t it something that only big tech companies can have access to?

All of that might have been true at one point. But not anymore. This is where Instant Analysts comes in. We won’t be able to do everything for you, but it’s our belief that the outputs of AI, machine learning and coding should be for everyone. It’s not something that should just be kept to big tech companies.

So are you ready? We’re on hand to help you, and we’re beginning with Instant Allocator. This little tool will help you with setting up your budgets across different channels. All you need to do is to enter in your own performance benchmarks, total campaign budget and target and Instant Allocator does the rest. As long as the combinations are mathematically possible, you’ll have your budget breakdown.

Please try it out. If there’s anything wrong, let us know. We would love to hear. It would also be great to know if you like it too! And keep your eyes peeled here, because we’re planning more and more Instant tools that give you time back.

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